Discounts and promotions
for the promotion of game servers

Here you will find information on all discounts and promotions that are valid on our website, for the promotion of your game servers. We advise you to add this page to your bookmarks and follow the updates, so as not to miss interesting offers and distribution of promo codes for boosting your servers.

Discount for the first promotion
You will receive a discount on your first order for each of your servers
* Valid only for certain services
15% – 30%
Discount for a long promotion
from 5 days – 15%, from 10 days – 20%, from 15 days – 25%, from 20 days – 30%
* Valid only for certain services
10% – 50%
Discount for the next promotion
After paying for your order you will receive a promo code for your next order
* Discount depends on services and duration