How do paid services work on the site?
Server promotion/boost/advertising - paid services on the site to attract the attention of site users and potential players:
— place/raise the server to the top of the list of servers on the site,
— place the server in special VIP blocks on the site,
— highlight server blocks in the selected color in the server list,
— highlight server blocks with various decorative elements in the server list,
— allow you to place a text message in a server block in the server list.
Paid services allow you to place your server in the most visible and popular places of the site. This way, visitors to our site (who come to our site in search of servers) can pay attention to your server and connect to your server to play.
The site does not provide services of "forced" direction of users and players to your server. Our services imply only advertising your servers on our site. Our site has nothing to do with services of server promotion using unscrupulous and dubious methods.
On the pages of all paid services you can find a description of the services and how they operate.
About the efficiency of services and possible claims against us
By ordering services on the site, you accept the terms of use of the site. The site is visited by thousands of users daily, but we cannot guarantee a specific result of services, since the effectiveness of any advertising, as you understand, depends on the interest of users in the servers. We can only give advice: a lot depends on the attractiveness of the name of your server and the popularity of the maps on your servers. Thank you!
Refunds are not possible after payment for services.
Demonstration of paid services
We have developed a special functionality so that you can clearly see a demonstration of how paid services work on our website. On the page of each paid service there is a "Demo" block that describes and demonstrates the service in detail. This functionality was developed, among other things, so that our clients do not have any misunderstandings regarding how the service will work for their server on our website.
About the site and its traffic
Currently, the site is visited by about 14`000 - 17`000 visitors per day (about 60`000 - 80`000 site views per day). Our site has organic traffic. Most users visit our site from search engines (users search for game servers, game maps, and other information related to game servers). We do not use questionable methods of attracting traffic to our site.