Minecraft, Germany

$5.50/ day (24hours)
The server will be displayed at the top of the server list
* Above the servers in a BOOST (TOP) and PRO promotions
Your server will be added to the VIP places on the main page, in the sidebar and in the footer of the site
* Above the servers in a BOOST (TOP) and PRO promotions


What it will look like and work

  • 1.7.2 - анархия без доната и привата !да блять как дерево без доната добыть 10/150 DE 1.7.2
  • 🍎 MCJabko.CZ 🍎 | [1.21]Semi-Vanilla 2/50 1 DE
  • Adurath - Mittelalter/Fantasy *Beta RP-PvE/PvP | Völker | Städte | Events | Aufgaben | Handwerk 6/50 DE
  • 1.7.2 Secret 10/500 DE 1.7.2
  • A Minecraft server 1/20 DE
— An example of how a server with this service will be displayed in the top servers. Shown using random servers as an example.
Discount for the first promotion
You will receive a discount on your first order for each of your servers
* Valid only for certain services
15% – 30%
Discount for a long promotion
from 5 days – 15%, from 10 days – 20%, from 15 days – 25%, from 20 days – 30%
* Valid only for certain services
10% – 50%
Discount for the next promotion
After paying for your order you will receive a promo code for your next order
* Discount depends on services and duration

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Available payment methods:
The payment system is protected and secure, and also complies with modern European Payment Standards.